Football Write For Us
At the moment, Bloomersweb is accepting fewer article submissions than before but is still interested in articles on South American football, Central and North American football, African football, Asian football, concise scout reports, and ‘world football’ topics beyond the usual coverage.
We can’t guarantee all will be able to be published, but we are still interested in at least discussing articles on undercovered areas of the game.
We can also suggest other good sites even if we can’t publish them ourselves.
Email: contact@bloomersweb.com
Guidelines Football Write For Us
- Articles should be 500+ words in length
- All articles will remain accredited to you as an author. So please provide a first and last name with your submission.
- Your author accreditation will not link to your site, so that you may include a brief introduction and link at the end of the article. The editor of bloomers web, which provides inspirational content for a stylish, vegan lifestyle.”
- If you have a specific publication date in mind, please provide this with your submission.
- Any products, services, or themes must be strictly vegan and cruelty-free
- Your article must fit into one of the following categories: fashion, food, beauty, lifestyle, or travel.
- Our tone is relatively casual, but we try not to get cheesy!
- Please do not include graphic descriptions of animal cruelty/abuse etc., but you may give information on the facts of practices and their effects.
- Affiliate links are not permitted.
- You may include one contextual link to your content where relevant
- Additional external links remain allowed for sources
If you provide your images, we will review them to ensure they are consistent with the rest of the website. If images are not offered or are not to standard, we will source our royalty-free images to accompany your article.
Please email us at: Contact@bloomersweb.com.
You can commit to writing regularly if we accept more than one article. We will add you to our Bloomersweb WhatsApp group, where ideas are shared and world football remains discussed.
As well as our usual niche pieces on anything football related, we always look for writers to report on the following teams.
- AC Milan
- Arsenal
- Barcelona
- Bayern Munich
- Chelsea
- Borussia Dortmund
- Everton
- Boca Juniors
- Inter Milan
- Juventus
- Liverpool FC
- Manchester United
- Real Madrid
- Tottenham
How to Submit Your Article
It’s easy to send your articles via email, and you can submit them in a .txt file or Microsoft Word Document. If you wish to write for us, you can refer us to your ideas and pitch before submitting the full article.
Please email us at: Contact@bloomersweb.com